The OMni Women

At the time I began to develop the idea of OMni, I was approaching my 50th birthday.
While some take this milestone in their stride, I found myself in a place of deep reflection, accompanied by a serious sense of time running out and of not wanting to have any regrets.
I began to think about my stage of life, my friends and peers, and the types of things we were now aspiring to compared to when we were younger … a few little luxuries that leave us feeling pampered, treats for our skin and ourselves, moments to love, nourish and nurture ourselves, to step away from our busy lives (possibly I was seeking this for myself!).
I knew then that I wanted to produce a deliciously scented natural product with a luxurious feel.
I imagined a woman who knows her own mind, has a compassionate heart and wants to help others, whose courage and positivity inspires others to strive for their dreams.
She is joyful and appreciates all that life brings, valuing friendships, nature and beauty from within. She rejoices in her creativity, nurtures her femininity, and stands by the subtle strength of her intellect and wisdom.
Perhaps she is an idealised woman, but I think the OMni woman is found in each of us.
Can you see her in you?